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California Municipal Utility District

Verify California Municipal Utility District’s GHG emissions reports to The Climate Registry and the California Air Resources Board.

City of Fresno

Provide environmental construction monitoring services to meet CEQA and NEPA regulatory requirements and comply with required environmental mitigation measures in reconstruction project.

California Energy Commission

Perform end-to-end rebate administration services, including project management, strategic sourcing, and document management services.

Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG)

Monitor, manage, and report on environmental data and manage implementation of new sustainability program.

U.S. Army Reserve Center Redeveloper – Cameron Cole

Redevelop a former Army Reserve Center into a community park.

U.S. Army Reserve Center Redeveloper – Cameron Cole

A purpose-driven provider of Global Business Services solutions that advances sustainable business and operational practices by transforming risk into positive impact and value.


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